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Major Ben Zhou Media Indicators

Sentix Media Index (24h)

Reflects the general media sentiment around a key item during a 24-hour time frame. They refine the magnitude of news sentiment by comparing it to historical maximums
0.0000 Neutral
The all-time low negative Media Sentiment: 2022-12-05
The all-time high Positive Media Sentiment: 2020-06-22

Ben Zhou

Sentix Media Index

Reflects the general media sentiment around a key item during a 24-hour time frame. They refine the magnitude of news sentiment by comparing it to historical maximums
Last 24h Neutral

Yesterday Low negative

Last 7 days Low negative

Last 30 days Low positive

News Coverage Volume (24h)

The total media weight of sites tracking crypto or a specific entity is based on publication count and site authority. Higher News Coverage Volume means more news from reputable sources, while fewer, less credible articles lower it
0.0000 Neutral
The all-time low News Coverage Volume
The all-time high News Coverage Volume: 2022-12-05

Ben Zhou

News Coverage Volume Trends

The total media weight of sites tracking crypto or a specific entity is based on publication count and site authority. Higher News Coverage Volume means more news from reputable sources, while fewer, less credible articles lower it
Last 24h Neutral

Yesterday Low

Last 7 days Mid.

Last 30 days High

Sentix Media Index (SMI) for the crypto industry and Ben Zhou price correlations for 24h

A metric analyzing the crypto industry and Ben Zhou price correlations over the last 24h
Weighted Sum

This graph shows a correlation of media sentiment in the crypto industry with Ben Zhou price shifts, with filters for customization:

  • - Price: Changes over a selected period.
  • - Volume: Trading volume from CoinMarketCap data for a period.
  • - Sentiment: Average media sentiment for a period.
  • - Tweet: Sentix Media Index (SMI) for key opinion leader Tweets.
  • - Articles: Sentix Media Index (SMI) for articles only.
  • - All: Shows all data for detailed analysis.

The chart uses two types of candles:

  • -Blue candles for positive sentiment.
  • - Orange candles for negative sentiment.
Note: Sentix's historical data analysis from the past seven years shows that very high positive sentiment often predicts a market correction, while big candles with negative sentiment are the best entry points.